Monday, May 12, 2008

Wish List

There will be more to come for sure, but these are some of the biggies! (COMPLETED)

Visit THE Pepsi Center: Home to the Colorado Avalanche, my very favorite NHL team. Making a pilgrimage to the home of the Avs would be a pinnacle moment in my life as an Avs fan.

Take Surfing lessons: Its been a long time since I've stood up on a surfboard, but every time I've surfed I have had the most amazing of times I've had. I have been a beach bum trapped in a Minnesotan's body my entire life. I plan on taking surfing lessons so that I don't make such a fool out of myself out there. Especially since I plan on digging into my bank account to...

Buy a surfboard: So yeah, an Iowa State student from Minnesota doesn't usually have a surfboard sitting in the corner of their room, but we all know I am very unique. Ever since I caught my first wave in Cocoa Beach I wanted to run up to Ron Jons and leave with a sick board to use and then bring home. It would actually fit in perfectly in my room because if you have seen my room before it is centered around the beach life (my bathroom, especially!) for sure so I always figured what sicker of a way to add to the room than with a board. Economically it somewhat makes sense as well considering if I were to rent a board from each beach I planned on being at for however long I was out, it'd def add up! So thats where the lessons come in, considering I'm gonna get a sick short board as opposed to a longboard which would be much easier for a beginner like me who hasn't surfed for years.

Spend a night(s) camping: I've actually never camped before and to be honest I can't believe I plan on doing it so the morning I wake up still in the tent will be a big one and pat-myself-on-the-back worthy. Of course I don't plan n completely rugging it out (remember I am Timmy, still) so fun stuff like showers might need to take place on a every other day basis at hotels or such. I'll be able to rinse down at the beach atleast.

Make a purchase on Rodeo: Hopefully my father doesn't see this and faint, but a tiny purchase on Rodeo would make the shopper in my life complete.

Play blackjack in Vegas: Its been awhile since I've thrown some down at Mystic, so for my blackjack champion comeback I figure why not in the gambling capital of the world. Plus any bit I can make helps ease the pain at the pump a little.

Visit Ron Jons (Cali): I have been obsessed with the Ron Jon surf shop in Cocoa Beach so I really wanna see if the Cali store measures up. Maybe I'll even get my board there... I'd also really like to visit Mavericks Surf Shop... that'd be baller!

See a celeb: Kinda self explanatory. Bonus points for a beautiful female celeb!

See a baseball game: This is a definite must! I'm most interested in seeing the Angles or Dodgers, maybe even the Padres and definitely not the Giants nor the A's. Bonus points for seeing multiple teams/multiple games! One of my life goals is being at as many baseball parks as possible... next trip is a park tour of the nation followed by a arena tour!

Spend a night on the beach: In my camping endeavors I best be presented with the opp to pitch my tent on a beach or even just crash under the stars. Can you think of much more relaxing than that? I think not!

Get a drink @ a hot LA bar: Now that this kid is 21, I can do that! I have no intention of getting plastered or even close, because in LA... c'mon that'd be scary. Chances are I take one look at the LA bar scene and turn right back around to the car, I don't plan on wasting the money I'd spend on my surfboard (or Rodeo) on ridiculously priced covers and drinks. Bonus points if a lady purchases me a drink (wait, this is LA, not Chi-town)

MOST IMPORTANTLY - Have a good time & relax!

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