First I checked out the mall across the street from the Wynn, after exploring that I made way to the Venetian in the interest of running their vault dry. After a couple hands of Blackjack (GOAL!) I walked from the table a happy man $170 richer, somewhat meeting my goal. I decided to get on the road and make way to Cali. Sure enough on the way back to my car I couldn’t resist but gamble with a little of my earned cash. This proved to be a bad idea as I returned some of my gambled money right back to Vegas at the Wynn. NOW it was time to go for real.
I made it to right outside the Cali-Nevada border and decided to pull over for a lil nap action in a parking lot. I got up around 4 and got right back on the road. I had finally entered my destination state! A little while into Cali I needed to fill up the gas tank, this was something I had been dreading for awhile. Well, there was practical reason for that dread…
* Note (To keep my father sane as he reads this): This is BY FAR the highest I’ve been paying for gas. In fact, the gas I have been paying surprisingly isn’t much higher than what I’ve heard is the average around Minneapolis. My last fill up was at $3.77/gal. I’ve certainly been putting the GPS search gas by price function down here.
While filling up I noticed a sign for a ghost town 4 miles down the road. And why not at 4:30 in the morning in the middle of nowhere in pitch black? Yeah, I’m the guy from the teenage horror flicks that are the reason the movie turns into a horror movie. So I drive the 4 miles with my brights on because it is straight black out. I go up the path to the ghost town and was greeted by a lit up entrance booth where people pay to tour the town. Next to the booth the gate was open to drive through. This kinda freaked me out; it was as if this ghost town was waiting for me. This was the point I decided I was done and up n hauled ass outta there.
I jumped back on the road, took a lil nap around dawn in a home depot parking lot about a hour out of LA, woke up and jumped right back on the road just in time for the middle of rush hour. I didn’t have too much of an issue with the traffic, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. Before I knew it I had arrived!
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