Can't really beat that sunrise.
I sit right now in the Salina, Utah Super 8 Motel parking lot, borrowing their internet access to write to you. Salina is the first sign of human civilization into Utah after leaving Colorado. It was something upwards of 100 miles until there were any gas stations, but this little drive early this morning made for one of my favorite parts of the trip this far. The scenery, especially at sunrise was unbelievable!
Unfortunately I did have my first roadkill incident. Cruising along a gigantic bunny runs in front of my car and lucky enough for me I had the window open so I got a great listen at the sound a Element traveling 90 MPHs makes when it meets gigantic bunny. Atleast it wasn't Avalanche I guess...
Yesterday I was able to sleep in and as soon as Liz got back from her final it was time to explore southern downtown Denver. I came out from my shower and had a missed call from the lady who gave me the phone interview for the internship position. After listening to her voicemail to give her a call back I rang her up and was offered the intern position! I couldn't have been any more thrilled, I had worked hard to try to land this internship so it was a great treat. I begin Tuesday the 27th after I get back from this lil trip.
So after I got off that call I was ready for an enjoyable day. Liz's apartment is literally less than a five minute walk to the Pepsi Center, which is pretttttttttty amazing. We grabbed lunch at a Burrito place called Illegal Pete's, which has a Chipotle set up + full bar. I grabbed their equivalent of what I grab at Chipots + Margarita and was made a happy guy. After that we strolled the streets then went to the Pepsi Center to check out the Avs Pro Shop (GOAL!). There I picked up a beautiful Sakic jersey, Avalanche flag for my room, and a decal to go along with my Twins and Cyclones decals.
Speaking of the Twins... damn. Winning that BoSox series is huge! Unfortunately for me I didn't get to watch a single inning of it, but I was kept up to speed on each of the games and they sounded like they were playin'. I so thrilled they are going far beyond what was expected of them this year so far. Granted the central division is rubbish right now, I am proud of my Twins for showing up this season. Who woulda thought?! I can't wait til I get to see my boys in action next.
So back to the trip...
After walking back from the Pepsi Center (thank god for the walking cause that was a big burrito!) I got my stuff ready and head into the mountains. What an amazing drive, granted it was a little cloudy it was beautiful going up into the mountains, cruisin along blarin my music. As I got into Vail I decided why not do a lil exploring so I drove a little through the streets of Vail admiring the ridiculous houses and rolled into Vail Village. Of course it wasn't nearly as packed as it is in the Winter time, but it was really nice to park the car and walk through the village and sit down at their Starbucks for a lil while with my Hot Cocoa. When I got back on the road it wasn't too long til it started raining and began getting a little dark, which of course made for an interesting drive through mountains.
A few miles into Utah I pulled into a rest stop and called it a night. I woke up from from my leg cramping up (which it has been doing the past week or so in the middle of the night, driving me nuts!) so after running out of the car barefoot and stretching on the sidewalk I felt like hitting the road again. Which after a long road lead me here.
I am now gonna check out the "World Famous" Mom's Cafe for a lil breakfast, give my ride a lil gas and hit the open road.
HHAAH. I love you for so many reasons, but here are a few:
1.) The fact that you get hot chocolate at Starbucks... lets face it, coffee is sick.
2.) New decal for the Element.. where the hell is that thing going to go!? right in the middle?!?!
3.) Sooo proud of you for landing that internship ;)
4.) I know you're heading to Huntington Beach... let me remind you that is the homeland of Something Corporate, and I could NOT be any more jealous. Please bring Andrew McMahon back with you.
5.) I really am in awe of you that you just set out for the horizon, not caring what anyone thinks. I wish I had a sweet car and the Edina funding to do that shit ;)
BE SAFE!! I love you!!
I'm glad you're a lot better at updating your blog than I am. That scenery does look pretty amazing, awesome actually. Annnnnnnd, that list of things to do below this blog post is BALLER. You HAVE to see a celeb. If worse comes to worse, you can always go 'razzi style on 'em. Fuck a lawsuit, sneak up to their windows and start taking pictures!
Ha, just kidding. But you def need to take some pics of one. Also, I've been to Ron Jon before and it's pretty baller. It was in FL so I'm sure it's not Cali balller, but it was still baller nonetheless. Anyways, keep us posted, you give me something fun to do in my free time by reading this. BYE!!
1. Heck yes, HATE coffee but I love coffee shops
2. Damn right in the middle!
3. Thank you ma'm I was thrilled
4. I've been looking around for Mr. McMahon but can't find him. Sorry.
5. Its pretty much the best vacation ever!
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